It is needed to place technical developments and products within the entire texture of modern social existence.
During the 1950s and 60s, advertisers sometimes subtly "placed" products into the shows they sponsored.
Other critics are concerned about the practice of placing products in a cartoon series, even if the shows are aimed at adults.
Reebok was only one of more than two dozen companies that placed products in "Jerry Maguire."
This takes place after placing cosmetic products on the market, with updates by state requirement.
Another common use is to extend infrared signals in order to place remote controlled products behind closed doors.
This allows brewers to strategically place products in local markets where maximum volume can be achieved.
It is still possible to place unregulated products on the internal market by using passive distribution.
We must prevent unfair competition from foreign producers that place medicinal products on the market, the manufacturing process of which cannot be checked.
It goes without saying that product safety depends mainly on the manufacturers and importers who place products on the market.