According to this theory, a woman places significant emphasis on a man's ability to provide resources and protection.
In taking into consideration such an application, emphasis is placed on the ability of a foreign court to follow due process.
If turned one way, it places a block on the ability of the brain to function at peak capacity.
As a result, major restrictions were placed on Gowa's ability to trade.
In a traditional patriarchal society, the social norms place serious restrictions on women's ability to make a living outside of marriage.
"That places additional importance on advertisers' ability and responsibility to communicate risk."
Special emphasis will be placed on a school's ability to raise the performance of its lowest-achieving students.
The decision placed significant limitations on the ability of unions to engage in collective action.
Those facts place clear constraints on any President's ability to promote new domestic spending initiatives.
Quinn placed little credence on the Mexican's ability to keep the women safe.