The firm is not the largest in underwriting new issues, but its newly won reputation is making it easier for it to place offerings.
Almost every day for two decades, the mother, Nobuko, placed devotional offerings of food and tea before at a household shrine.
We placed tablets and offerings in a small shrine deep within the residence, and prayed before it every day for guidance and help.
"They place offerings on the spot where he died?"
As the King and Queen officiated, priests then placed offerings on many of the other altars for the public people while music was played.
The pavement features themselves are thought to have functioned as ritual altars on which was placed fine red-burnished pottery and other offerings.
Inside one doorway, white-robed devotees are placing offerings at a Santería altar.
The survivors placed offerings at burial sites to accompany the dead, such as figurines, pendants, and replicas of tools.
Nonetheless, people had placed new offerings before her.
In front of the império, on long bunks, are placed offerings or esmolas that, after being blessed, are distributed to the gathered.