I had been charged by our father to take the Jewel to the place of battle.
I had been told to convey the Jewel to the place of battle.
In a few days, perhaps only hours, the valley they were now driving through would be a killing ground, a place of battle.
The rest, like you, live in lands far from the place of battle.
They are food for the crows and the foxes, and the place of battle is fat with their blood.
It was he who would step onto the bitterly contested places of battle, the lost fields, and claim them for his own.
But a true warrior chooses his place of battle.
So if you know the place and time of battle, you can loin the fight from a thousand miles away.
Before that the highlanders merely gathered at the place of battle and charged the enemy.
At least he had the heart to come down to the place of battle, while you sit wailing!