The place was settled at least a thousand years ago, and yet it still has the feel of a frontier world.
After all, this place has been settled for more than a thousand years.
The place had indeed been settled earlier, but Homberg still celebrated its 775th anniversary as a town in 2006.
The place was first settled in 1729, making it one of the oldest places on the Gaspé coast.
The place was already settled quite early on, as witnessed by finds from the Bronze Age.
Lutjebroek takes its name from the small swamp that existed nearby when the place was settled.
The date and place of his birth have not yet been finally settled, but it was probably in the twelfth century that he flourished.
We can accept that by 1923 or 1924 the sacred places had been settled on, and there were quite enough of them.
The place where the town now stands, however, was already settled in Roman times.
The place was settled in 1911, and a post office opened that same year.