Secondly, the first person to buy fuel is the player in last place, followed by the penultimate player, and so on.
This indicates that after two hours redistribution takes place shortly followed by elimination.
Carter had been in second place, followed by Spencer and then Larner before they did so.
The Northwestern Wildcats were voted into first place, followed by 2.
In the evening formal dinners would take place followed by music, charades and smoking for the men.
Then, without giving me time to answer, he turned and left the place, followed by the others.
Lebanese villagers have always put the family in the first place, followed by the individual.
The wedding takes place the next day, followed by a celebration at Ravenswood.
Allison, with guidance of the voices in her head, reaches the same place, followed by Belial.
Coffee came in at third place, followed by fresh-baked bread.