And a few short weeks ago, his tenure as a pizza deliverer - the only pointless dead-end job he really enjoys - came to an end.
Meanwhile Bobo has employed a new pizza deliverer in place of Pauly.
Formerly a bikini model and pizza deliverer, Molly has lately moved in and turned the old man's head.
No one knows this better than pizza deliverers, who have been threatened, robbed, assaulted and even killed in the line of duty.
A Queens man was charged yesterday in the stabbing to death of a pizza deliverer in a midtown building two weeks ago.
In some countries, it is common to give the pizza deliverer an optional tip upon paying for the order.
He has been a dishwasher, a pizza deliverer and a prep cook.
He returned to New Hampshire, working as a pizza deliverer at the same place he had worked during high school.
Javi, a realist, takes a job as a pizza deliverer and lies to his boss by claiming to have a bicycle for making the deliveries.
Dealers, like pizza deliverers, bring the drugs to her door.