The rest of the station, which could take another five years to finish, cannot be built without this pivotal piece in place.
Generally, an effective offensive strategy is to recognize and attack "pivotal" pieces which are in positions to block multiple routes to victory.
"I have a pivotal piece of evidence for her and the committee."
That project, he said, remained a "pivotal piece" in his career.
The Herberger Theater Center was conceived as a pivotal piece in the redevelopment and revitalization of downtown Phoenix.
But Mientkiewicz noted that these Royals were not "difference makers" and were better suited as pivotal pieces on solid teams.
Then there is the toll on cities that became pivotal pieces of the terrorist attacks.
That will be a pivotal piece of your wardrobe, going over the new wispy dresses and softer pants.
The pivotal piece of evidence presented, along with the testimonies of the survivors, was a card, number 1393, from the Trawniki camp.
This is such a pivotal piece.