They would later prove to be pivotal influences in the founding and development of Esalen.
His pivotal influence on public life here was rewarded with life membership in the Italian senate.
His work with the four British musicians proved to be a pivotal influence on their collective decision to forge a career as a band.
The band are considered to be a pivotal influence on the alternative rock and indie rock movements.
In this sense, he had pivotal influence in Burma.
Calder, who died in 1976, is revered as a pivotal influence on modern art and inventor of the art mobile.
While at Columbia, he established a community-based genetic screening program that was a pivotal influence for his subsequent career choice of medical genetics.
The economic situation at the time that TV was established in Australia exerted a pivotal influence on the foundation and subsequent history of the industry.
Later they became cited as a pivotal influence on the early British punk rock movement.
Jazz and fusion elements are an important part of his style: he cites Joe Pass as a pivotal influence in this respect.