The Taiwanese had a pithy line for the change in rule, from Japanese to Chinese: "The dog leaves, but the pig comes."
These smart, pithy, cutting lines are not the only places in "Ten Summoner's Tales" where Sting finds a nearly perfect blend of ideas and pure pop language.
There are some great, pithy lines and others whose attempt at profundity ring false".
With short and pithy lines, he delivers the profound message of merging with Creator.
All the men in this business were either complete psychopaths, ice-blooded technicians, or action-star wannabes, full of pithy lines and menacing glances.
When decisions were reached, these scribes would compress into a few pithy lines the debate of months, and that would be the law.
She ate it with a scowl on her face as she replayed that last scene, and gave herself wonderful, pithy lines to put Liam Donovan in his place.
Paine's rhetoric had broad appeal; his "pithy" lines were "able to bridge working-class and middle-class cultures" and become common quotations.
He gave Hemingway's characteristically pithy lines (like "The setting of the sun is a difficult time for all fish") to an old-fashioned omniscient narrator.
A three-piece brass section pops in here and there - surprisingly, for such a loose record - with pithy, harmonized lines.