The boat was pitching wildly, and the Americans found it hard to pay attention to anything.
She managed to grab hold of a post as the ship pitched wildly to one side, throwing anything that wasn't secured about the cabin.
With reckless abandon I released one hand and shook my fist at the wildly pitching sky.
The ship was pitching wildly, but Hodon managed to fight his way to a ladder and then to the deck above.
The grenade went off, and the chopper pitched wildly to one side.
Her emotions were in turmoil, like a wildly pitching ship being tossed from one swell to the next.
The little ship pitched wildly as she took the waves bow-on.
The boat pitched wildly in rough seas and 60-mile-an-hour winds throughout that night.
The ship was pitching wildly, the deck swinging up and down like a lawn glider.
While explosions echoed in the distance, the ground in the forest pitched wildly.