Violence, drugs and profanity are common themes in early hardcore, perceptible through its samples and lyrics, often screamed, pitch shifted, or distorted.
This version also added the ability to keep the pitch of the record constant whilst shifting the tempo.
Acidized loops contain tempo and key information, so that ACID can properly time stretch them when pitch shifted.
Each song on the album has been meticulously pitch shifted and edited in order to create a completely new melody as well as to distort the musical and vocal recordings.
I then switched all the processors on at once, each with a different patch to produce a compressed, pitch shifted sound with reverb and a really big delay.and it all worked!
Often, the delayed signals will be slightly pitch shifted to more realistically convey the effect of multiple voices.
The pitch shifted again when their bodies grew hot and sweat-sheened, when raw passion overrode all else as if they were in the grip of some erotic spell.
The pitch shifted, wavered as Chase Mago attempted to compensate for the strong core harmonies, but there was little he could do without a field beam to help him cheat the shattering dissonances.
I said, and the pitch of the pixy's wings shifted.
As that sustained pitch slowly shifts from one instrument to another, the remaining players work around it, producing skittish tremolos, slides and scrapes that hint at other aural aberrations as well.