He pitched in a total of 40 games, including 2 starts.
You are 29 and you pitched 31 games for the Yankees last season, including two in the playoffs.
Grimsley pitched for seven teams from 1989 through 2006, including the Yankees.
He also pitched in 17 games, including 10 complete games.
While in Boston, he also pitched in seven games, including two starts.
He pitched 36 games for the Dodgers in 1999, including 3 starts.
He pitched a total of 14 games, including one start.
To- night all of us pitched in to help you, including the allies.
In addition to Cahill's batting statistics he also pitched a career high six games, including one start.
Shepherd pitched for nine different major league organizations from 1986-1997, including parts of four seasons in the majors.