Tyson started pitching horseshoes when he was 11 years old.
In his leisure moments, which were few, he liked pitching horseshoes and playing the accordion.
He might as well be pitching horseshoes.
In between, he played with his grandchildren, pitched horseshoes and puttered around his estate.
On Sunday afternoons when they got together to pitch horseshoes they would say "let's go to state road" and the name stuck.
In the arts of the West, cowboys and farmers are breaking horses, playing poker, pitching horseshoes and making music.
They played baseball, pitched horseshoes and staged musicals accompanied on an organ.
Getting close only means something when it comes to pitching horseshoes.
Later, he pitched horseshoes with his students at UC Berkeley.
Originally, the ball had to be literally "pitched" underhand, as with pitching horseshoes.