Mike Krukow pitched five innings in his first start of the season for the Giants.
While pitching for the Giants, Mulholland made a play that is often shown on sports bloopers shows.
Only six men pitched for the Giants in 1905.
Hubbell would go 10-6 in his first major league season and would pitch his entire career for the Giants.
He pitched only for the Giants, winning 253 games and losing 154 from 1928-43.
He also pitched three games in relief for the Giants that year.
He pitched in a total of 118 games for the Giants, with an ERA of 4.30 and a 6-6 record.
Bell, who later pitched for the Giants, won only one other game that season and completed only three others on the way to a 3-8 record.
Murakami went on to pitch credibly for the Giants in 1965, and he dreamed of being a starter, but then the Hawks called him home.
Seymour last pitched for the Giants that season, at which point he converted into an outfielder full-time due to injury from throwing the screwball.