The pirate at the wheel wore a sleeveless, cut-at-the-knees jumpsuit, his thick legs planted wide on the deck.
Because your average user thinks a patch is something a pirate wears over what used to be his eye.
The pirates wore no odorant bags, though Paula could still detect the faint smell of spoiled fish.
If there is no documentation of the myth occurring, yet the MythBusters were still able to duplicate it very closely to how the myth was described (such as the myth that pirates wore eye patches in order to keep their night vision, or an untrained pilot being talked through landing an airplane).
The crew of the smaller ship had been gathered around the airlock, prepared to welcome the marauders as they deserved, but their lighter-weight blasters were totally inadequate to penetrate the tough battle armor the pirates wore.
All the pirates wore pulsers, and the two who flanked Warnecke carried flechette guns, as well.
Early next morning the cast was made, and that afternoon Barnum returned to the Tombs with a new set of clothes, which he traded to Hicks for the one the pirate was then wearing.
Much of this was visible, because what the pirates wore under their armor turned out to be a pair of tight briefs the same color as their skins, and an equip- ment belt.
I patterned him after several of my friends on Wall Street, where the pirates wear three-piece suits and ride in limos.
It's the present day, you're on a modern cargo ship and the pirates wear military fatigues and carry machine guns.