The pirates retreated, and did not return to the small island.
The pirates recapture Merlyn and the floating child and return them to the ship.
In any event, the pirates would not return to their old ways after we departed the Belt, for there would be none left.
But, the pirates returned to their launches and escaped, except for the drummer, who continued to drum.
As the three leave for the other island the next day, Haakon realizes that the pirates are returning to the island.
Afraid that the pirates would return again, the people abandoned the town for a period of time.
If the cruise were successful, pirates might then return to the Atlantic by a similar route.
"Black Satan had his qualities, as you might say," returned the pirate.
To stop the pirates returning and taking it again, the angels encased the bell in a huge stone.
The pirates did not return, and we had time to take care of the wounded.