There was certainly no truth in the persistent rumor that he had made his first fortune through the famous shoe-box-sized pirate edition of the Library of Congress.
However, there are still ways to bypass this security feature, which was done when creating the pirate edition.
Furthermore, in this age before copyright, pirate editions were commonplace, especially in areas without frequent contact with London.
This classic (of its kind) has been frequently republished, often without acknowledgment in pirate editions.
These editions were also successful, and another French pirate edition was prepared with another translation from the German edition.
In reaction to the pirate edition, Brockhaus decides to publish its own French edition.
The Laforgue edition success spawn a new pirate edition in France.
"There were four different pirate editions," Miss Vasilyeva pointed out proudly.
More than 45 million Agatha Christie novels have been sold in Russia every one a pirate edition.
Pound was reluctant to publish these late cantos, but the appearance in 1967 of a pirate edition of Cantos 110-116 forced his hand.