Tell me why the pirate is chasing after our hero.
The minute we decided to adopt her, Bethel was attacked, so that Amos escaped, the pirates chased him and the station is now endangered.
I didn't send those Ceresian pirates to chase us from Salador to Rillanon.
The pirates discover and chase them.
When Karnage and his pirates are chasing the Sea Duck, Karnage says, "This is no time for a Chinese fire drill!"
The more the pirates chased the traders, the less worthwhile it was for the traders to do business.
See, these pirates are chasing these serving wenches around a table and then auctioning them off, all on this ride, and some people are offended.
If raggedy-assed pirates chase us clear out of the Confederacy, people may see it as a sign that we're not holding our own against the Peeps any longer.
The pirates chased the boarding team, then opened fire upon the Navy ships with RPGs and other small arms.