Also Greenpeace is concerned that the pipeline would pass through several sites designated marine conservation areas.
For example, important pipelines pass near the New Madrid fault region in Missouri.
The pipeline passes through 66 cities in the 10 provinces in China.
Russia first insisted that the new pipeline should pass through its territory, then declined to participate.
Finally, the pipeline for feeding natural gas to Digne passes through the commune and is thus an additional risk factor.
No pipelines pass by or close to the village meaning there is a need of clean water in this village.
The project is understandable, because some of the countries the pipeline now passes through are hostile towards Russia.
The pipeline from Petrobras passes beneath the houses; an explosion could occur at any time.
Pungwe-Mutare pipeline also pass through the district and the district is still to benefit from water points along the route.
The pipeline would pass through Georgia, generating jobs and eventually about $50 million a year in transshipment fees.