At a local level, the pipeline owners pay property taxes on the portions of the pipeline and the pipeline facilities that lay within districts that impose a property tax.
The commission would set the rates that would determine how the risk is shared among the pipeline owners and customers.
The pipeline owners also bear some risk, however.
Most pipeline owners set output quotas to make an oil field last for up to 20 years.
The practice frustrated other pipeline owners, but the arrangement worked to Coastal's advantage, and by 1960 revenues exceeded $17.6 million.
The pipeline owners have balked at moving the line, saying the line would be shut down for too long.
Get check for expenses from pipeline owner.
Another provision requires that gas producers give pipeline owners credit, in addition to the usual payment, for transporting gas the producer sells directly to others.
The pipelines span into adjacent properties, enabling the pipeline owner to siphon royalties from the adjacent property owner every turn.
At the Williams Companies, the pipeline owner, options granted in 2002 were subject to a vesting schedule of one-third of the grant each year.