Much of Russia's vast reserves lie in Siberia, where the country's primitive pipeline infrastructure makes shipping a nightmare.
The agency also oversees the nation's pipeline infrastructure which accounts for 64 percent of the energy commodities consumed in the United States.
The reservoirs and pipeline infrastructure is owned and operated by Seattle Public Utilities.
Once in Alberta, the pipeline would feed into the existing pipeline infrastructure.
Thus methanol requires shipment at higher energy cost in trucks and trains, until a whole new pipeline infrastructure can be built.
Also the third party access to its pipeline infrastructure has remained Russia's main objection to the Protocol.
The interstate and intrastate pipeline infrastructure has limited capacity and can only transport so much natural gas at any one time.
However, natural gas pipeline companies should continue to expand the pipeline infrastructure in order to meet growing future demand.
Today, many suppliers transport their product to many customers through a shared pipeline infrastructure.
RFTC offered water supply system managers information on the location, distribution and number of wire breaks in their pipeline infrastructure.