But there are television sets in every corner, and the piped-in music never quits.
The hope is that piped-in classical music will drive away the teen-agers who cruise the street in their cars.
The mess hall has a salad bar and piped-in music.
The piped-in music was beyond soothing and edging toward mind dulling.
The area was rather like a large, comfortably furnished living room, complete with piped-in music and paintings by local artists.
The sundeck has a tiny pool, a bar and piped-in American music.
I slept until 6:30 in the morning, when the daily program of piped-in music commenced.
The 125-seat patio has four firepits, trees, flowers and piped-in music.
They have great piped-in music, and a real love of fiction is always evident in the store.
Having to listen to piped-in music at any time of year, he said, leaves a feeling of powerlessness.