The story concerns Ambrosio - a pious, well-respected monk in Spain - and his violent downfall.
Calmet was a pious monk as well as a learned man, and one of the most distinguished members of the Congregation of St. Vanne.
The care this poor man receives from the pious monks is not enough; he wants to be loved.
In the story, this pious and compassionate monk descends to Hell to give teachings & comfort the suffering hell-beings there.
Amusingly, we as readers are left wondering how the speaker knows the contents of the French novel if he is such a pious monk.
As a pious monk, and a faithful observer of Rabanus's recommendations, he writes almost exclusively about the moral and mystical senses of the sacred text.
Placing the umbrella on a richly carved console sculpted centuries ago by some pious monk, Kit briefly surveyed the stairway before them as though silently debating the possibility of ascent.
The pious monk bestowed upon her, in return, benedictions enough, if paid by Heaven.
His community at Lupiana recorded their memories of him as a pious and dedicated monk.
So, when the monastery and its little church were just a century old, one of the most pious monks, who taught the younger ones, died mysteriously in middle age.