They sat, their faces fixed in pious expressions.
Less advanced but more far-reaching is the emphasis on environment, no longer a pious expression but an acceptance of tangible need.
The sec man's face assumed a pious expression.
The Vorta moved forward until he stood over Bashir, looking down at him with a pious expression of dismay.
A choir of teenage girls performed in white blouses, their expressions pious or painfully self-conscious.
He assumed a pious expression that was obviously feigned.
The black put on a pious expression whose exaggeration was almost ludicrous: "Musket?
She closed her eyes and assumed an appropriately pious expression.
It was with some difficulty that Rory managed to keep his pious expression from slipping: this was going to be much more difficult than he expected.
"When your father and I feel that we can," her mother replied with a pious expression.