Much progress has been made since that time both with vast new buildings and pioneering medical treatments.
But nothing could more eloquently make the case than the patients Bart's has helped with pioneering treatment, dedication and care.
Despite receiving pioneering treatment abroad that his parents had fundraised for, Jack Brown died in 2009.
In one he describes his pioneering treatment of Dayem, which, from the beginning, involved some difficult choices.
This detailed his pioneering treatment of three patients with advanced breast cancer through bilateral oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries).
A teenager who's been having pioneering medical treatment to help him grow, is back on his feet.and learning karate.
Without the pioneering treatment, Jonathon would have been as tall as youngsters half his age.
The storyline explores Jung's pioneering treatment of sexual dysfunction.
The children were born following "pioneering" treatment after Hare's fertility was affected by a childhood bout of mumps.
In the community, it delivers pioneering treatment and aftercare for offenders, ex-offenders, and also people referred from outside the criminal justice system.