Alice S. Rossi (September 24, 1922 - November 3, 2009) was a pioneering feminist and sociologist.
A pioneering Kenyan feminist, Mrs. Otieno was treasurer of the international women's conference held here two years ago.
Beatrice Moses Hinkle (1874-1953) was a pioneering American feminist, psychoanalyst, writer, and translator.
Critical reassessment has led to renewed interest in her career, and she is today recognized as a pioneering feminist and America's first important modern female playwright.
- as a victim, a pioneering feminist who courageously champions "collective female energy" in a male-dominated industry.
Kate Campbell Hurd-Mead (April 6, 1867 - January 1, 1941) was a pioneering feminist and obstetrician who promoted the role of women in medicine.
Most recently he translated books by Julia Kristeva, a pioneering French feminist and semiotician.
A pioneering feminist, Marilyn Webb, and a commune-founding poet, Verandah Porche, were there as well, trading war stories.
Are you implying that they should have recruited an actual Yale Professor or a nuclear physicist; or in this case, a pioneering feminist and activist for the role?
The once pioneering feminist married a man widely perceived as crass and macho, an odd match even if he was the amazingly rich creator of CNN.