The nation's first major aviation meet, with pioneering exhibitions and races, was held at Belmont Park in 1910.
From the historical and the documentary points of view, this is a pioneering exhibition that every enthusiast for Chinese painting should see.
Together, they created some 88 short films and pioneering multiscreen and multipanel exhibitions.
In 1952, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond presented a pioneering exhibition of Southern furniture.
Mr. Aaron's partner in organizing this pioneering exhibition, Jean Claude Ciancimino, an Italian dealer with a shop in London, takes another view.
For her pioneering exhibition, Ms. Cirincione could only borrow an Intel system for a week (the company shared some of the expense).
His knowledge and scholarship were recognized in the pioneering exhibitions of Whitney Museum drawings held at the National Gallery of Art and the Ochenbach Foundation.
In 1931, a traveling version of the pioneering German exhibition "Film und Foto" came to Japan.
The opulent lifestyles of the emperors and kings of the Mughal age (1526-1858) are dazzlingly evoked in this pioneering exhibition.