Impressed with the Heavies, the pioneering engineer eventually took on the task of remixing the entire Get Used To It.
Ronald John Baker (March 28, 1912 - March 24, 1990) was a pioneering Canadian engineer.
Allan Alcorn (born January 1, 1948 in San Francisco) is an American pioneering engineer and computer scientist.
He has also built a prototype for a five-man bicycle based on some lightweight bridge designs by a pioneering Danish engineer, Mikael Pederson.
John Perry (1850-1920) was a pioneering engineer and mathematician from Ireland.
However, several pioneering engineers and inventors preceded Daimler, mostly with steam engines powering their cycles.
Many pioneering engineers and inventors followed Daimler in using internal combustion engines.
Charles Henry Keefer (1852 - 12 April 1932) was one of Canada's pioneering engineers.
In 1927 Engelbert Zaschka, a pioneering German engineer, invented a combined helicopter and autogyro.
Dr. Stefano Bakonyi (1892-1969) was a Hungarian writer, consultant, and pioneering engineer.