I was dressed in a very pink sweatsuit.
She wears a pink sweatsuit with the word "Paris" on it (which she got on a trip to Paris with Don King) and light pink shoes.
I had all her movies on VHS, a pair of white lace-up boots, and a hideous pink sweatsuit with flowers all over it that I thought looked Andie Walsh-esque.
We entered the house as an overweight woman in a pink sweatsuit came downstairs.
Rod Calligan's wife wore her dark hair in a pert Hamill-cut; despite three children, she was slender under that perky pink sweatsuit.
"She's wearing a pink sweatsuit and she has lots of gold jewelry, and a gold tooth."
"I'm meeting Joe at the spa at eleven-thirty," Rosemary said in her pink sweatsuit and sneakers, sitting down.
Her pale pink sweatsuit had not come from a discount house; her expensive athletic shoes had never so much as walked through the doorway of one.
When her younger sister bought her a pink sweatsuit to wear in physical therapy she said, "No way."
The bright yellow hair was distinctive, the bilious pink sweatsuit infamous.