Richardson, a wiry woman in white sweat pants and a pink sweatshirt, answers Bunuan's knock.
At the side entrance a small boy in a pink sweatshirt was pulling open the enormous wooden doors.
It's pinned through her pink sweatshirt, like a brooch, but it's the earring that Peter's blond friend tore out of his ear.
Both her hands are clutching at her pink sweatshirt.
Years ago my mother had a pink hooded sweatshirt that she wore at the beach.
Her pink sweatshirt looked like a well-worn hand-me-down.
The bag contained socks, a pair of blue jeans, and a pink sweatshirt, which were wet, muddy, and stained.
He identified the tennis shoes, blue jeans and pink sweatshirt as the clothes worn by Jones that night.
The area is well supervised, as are the rides, watched by lifeguards in pink sweatshirts.
Yesterday, she had changed into white sweat pants and a pink sweatshirt.