The pink streamer broke, its ends trailing in the water.
The sky before them was bannered with pink streamers.
The Hippos and Alligators proceed to form a "tent" while Minnie and Daisy skate through with blue and pink streamers, respectively.
Stars still glimmered palely in the western sky, but long pink streamers stretched along the eastern horizon, and against them the dragon banner of Nemedia flung out its billowing silken folds.
Red, white and pink streamers hung festively over half the room, and red plastic tablecloths sat on the empty tables.
At the end of the performance, two streamer cannons on opposite ends of the stage, shot out pink streamers.
Red and pink streamers draped the doors and pink satin hearts were on the wall.
Dave is the kind of fisherman who will use a pink streamer during a midge hatch and catch the biggest trout in the river.
Bright pink streamers of crawling vines and matted ivy curled around the black tree trunks, moving slowly, constantly, like dreaming snakes.
Fish swam by to peer at them, polyps extended purple, red and pink streamers.