A word with a tile on a pink square clears the board.
After the December 2011 update, new puzzles became available which included four pink squares in the centre.
The strings decorated the white flesh of her young bottom to leave it covered with little pink squares.
The surface of the table was tiled with pink squares and rectangles, some framed, some loose, some inscribed with names, some not.
Some of the letters were placed into blue and pink squares.
A blue square was worth $500, while a pink square was worth $1,000.
Set in action, the rows of pink squares or blue stripes swim over ironing board and television like strange schools of fish.
The woman squinted at the pink square of paper in the sunlight.
Each letter placed was worth $25, with blue squares adding $50 and pink squares $100.
Solving the word with a letter in a blue square was worth $500 in bonus cash to the contestant while a pink square paid off at $1,000.