Not the nameless pink slime of the story, however.
Lowered underneath, Ray discovers a river of pink slime filling an abandoned subway line.
The attackers praise purple food but prefer pink slime.
In March 2012, the company stopped selling pink slime and reported that it was only present in ten percent of its products.
The red plasms increased to become a cloud of pink slime, now oozing ankle-deep on the ground.
Kroger, America's largest supermarket chain, also stopped selling beef that contained pink slime.
Five Guys confirmed that "We do not have pink slime in our ground beef.
Oliver has stated, "Everyone who is told about pink slime doesn't like it in their food-school kids, soldiers, senior citizens all hate it."
Scurrying aft, I had a fast shave, using the pink slime from the soap-dispenser to lather my face.
This was a container shaped like a crown that held a small amount of pink slime.