She wears a pink raincoat when, accompanied by Mr. Muller and a camera crew, she visits sites associated with her short, brilliant career as cinema master.
Then she picked up the chocolate bar, huddled on the ground in the incongruous pink raincoat, and began her vigil.
Nowhere on the site could I find the pink raincoat.
I called around to Gap stores as if it were the Dark Ages to locate a pink raincoat.
On the bus one afternoon I was mesmerized by a woman's pearlescent pink raincoat and another woman's rhinestoned, embroidered jacket.
"Gap's pink raincoats were shown in the windows about six weeks ago," she said, a jolt of color that affected some like a crocus sighting in the snow.
It started last spring with the popular pink raincoat and has now spread to sidewalk vendors' hats and scarves and to designer fur coats.
Once in the woods, she put on the loud pink raincoat.
To her left, coming from the same general direction as all the psi activity, a kid in a pink raincoat shot through the woods at high speed.
She removed the pink raincoat, threw it down beside the white pants, and began to pull the suit on over the white mesh top.