The other he held behind his ear, the delicate pink nails curved above it.
It has taken nearly a full year for the blackened toenail to grow out and be replaced by a shiny pink new nail.
Harriet examined the pink nails of one hand, and said untruthfully, "I did not scowl!"
Wash Evans had long, expressive fingers with pink nails.
She wore the latest in high-school fashion and her bright pink nails were almost an inch long.
She was sure she had seen a hand in the drawer, a hand with little pink nails and a silver ring on one finger.
She had a pink varnished nail in her mouth and was staring blankly at the TV screen.
She swiveled to face her computer, and her polished pink nails clicked on the keys.
Mrs. Segal waved her freshly pink nails to dry them.
As it was, he wasn't sure he could force himself to even chip one of her pink oval-shaped nails.