Like, for instance, the spring day a dashing fellow in a pink blazer knocked on their door.
To feel at home in it, you have to wear a pink blazer and green pants.
And a woman named Hollywood and a man in a pink blazer carrying a long-haired white dog in a black duffel bag.
In 2007, King Bhumibol Adulyadej was seen leaving the hospital wearing a baby pink blazer.
A pink blazer is piped in lime green, and a madras plaid combines red, green, yellow and lavender.
She had been Beckwhite's secretary, and was the agency's head bookkeeper, a striking redhead who always dressed to the teeth, smart orange outfits, pale pink blazers.
She was just sitting down, her red hair flaming like a beach fire above a pale pink blazer.
Today's cool pink blazer topped a white T-shirt and jeans, and flat sandals.
Aqua, yellow and pink blazers are shown with gray flannel skirts and with pants for more casual weekends.
Jack Fleck, gaunt, gray-haired and wearing a light pink blazer, was virtually unnoticed as he hurried alongside the fairways at The Olympic Club today.