Pajari decided to commit his reserves in a pincer attack at the Soviet troops around the hotel.
They then launched a pincer attack using mobile infantry and heavy artillery.
These forces were then to attack Manila in a pincer attack.
"This all depends on the Cardassians trying a pincer attack," he said slowly.
During Perch the division was to spearhead one arm of a pincer attack to capture the city.
It was a human pincer attack, all flanks covered.
Finally they come face to face with the massive queen and stave of her magic and pincer attacks.
The emperor hoped to catch the Austrians in a pincer attack between his forces and Masséna's.
It was also decided to land forces north and south of the fjord for a pincer attack on the City.
Simultaneously the Ninth Army, which had been pushed south of the salient, was to attack north in a pincer attack.