In these articles, he expressed revulsion at the physical transformation of the village of his birth into a great city, likening the skyscrapers to the teeth of a comb or pins protruding from a cushion.
There were several red-tipped pins protruding from it and an area of Soho had been ringed in red marker pen.
She indicated the chair at her left - the portentous chair before which were tiny scratches such as might have been made by a broken pin protruding slightly from the heel of a shoe.
"A moment, please," Madame Jeanne said, and with a deep bow, left me to the company of a dressmaker's dummy, with a large number of pins protruding from its stuffed bosom.
The opposite shutter would be drilled through with a hole to accept the pin protruding from the lock.
She picked up the launcher, running her fingers along the pins protruding from its magazine.
The ends of the wire are electrically connected to two pins protruding from the end of the tube.
In this assembly, the outside plate with the two pins protruding from it are spaced at the same pitch as the chain, one half-inch, and the free ends of the pins are grooved.
In this case, each plate has one pin protruding from it, and the pin ends are grooved.