The model's delicately etched surface, decorated with pins marking the park's various activities - golf, kayaking, horseback riding, soccer - is neon green, as if it were glowing with the poisonous ooze trapped underneath.
At the Seventh District station, inside the commander's office, a map of the district is dotted with red pins marking the places the bodies fell last year.
Maps of Aberdeen were stuck up on the walls, coloured pins marking the locations of significant events.
Once you see the pin marking your location, click anywhere on the map near the pin to view your senator's information.
An immense map of the world was mounted to the wall behind him, with small red pins marking the most recent known locations of all the surviving Children of Chrysalis.
It's rather like a medical version of the maps police departments put up on their walls, with pins marking where crimes have occurred.
The map was cluttered with colored pins marking projects of interest to the Voertrekker-Praesident.
In the Trask house, Lee and Adam put up a map of Europe with lines of colored pins marking where our soldiers were, and this gave them a feeling of taking part in the war.
Below is a map with pins marking some of the places Rep. Schilling and has staff have visited in the 17th Congressional District of Illinois since the 112th Congress began.
New Orleans, Louisiana: In "9:02", a pin marking New Orleans appears in Robert Hawkins' map, but disappears from some shots.