He looked at us both with insolence, while the second officer, a pimply youth, hovered nervously behind.
Perhaps they also approved of the pimply youth.
A pimply youth, long known as a pool-room tout, leaped up, his greasy face working, shrieked, "O God, forgive me!"
"Then he can protect you from the pimply youths and jadedroués."
There was also a woman who told fortunes with magnetized needles that floated on water, and a pimply youth who kept saying 'Om!
The carcass closest to him was the remains of the pimply youth he'd seen in Car One.
Once inside, however, they found that the only remotely fascistic stand was one occupied by a pimply youth from the Wagner Society.
One of the pimply youths got up.
A pimply youth in stained white came along the corridor.
'Hello, Teddy,' she called to a lank pimply youth who squatted in a doorway combing his long, oily hair.