Size Frillbacks are slightly larger than other colored pigeon breeds, with longer tail and wing feathers.
A popular domestic pigeon breed, the Racing Homer is also one of the newest.
The domestic pigeon breeds are believed to have been developed in the Middle East.
One of its main characteristics is its unique and distinctive high pitch sound it makes like none other pigeon breed known.
Charles Darwin, English naturalist, kept fancy pigeon breeds for observation and anatomical study of his test breeding.
Roshan Chirag is a homing pigeon breed from northern India.
There are also strains (lines), of this pigeon breed, which do not do air acrobatics but fly very high and very long, like a tippler.
There are about 800 pigeon breeds; considering all regional varieties all over the world there may be 1100 breeds.
Charles Darwin was an enthusiast of fancy pigeon breeds.
The largest of the flying pigeon breeds, the Old English Carrier was originally used for sending messages.