I don't want to eat a pig knuckle with sauerkraut.
He dined alone at a nearby German restaurant; he ate pig knuckles and sauerkraut, and one night he drank a beer.
They have pig knuckles and pig's feet and beans.
More adventurous Americans or more traditional Filipinos might want dinuguan, a stew made with beef blood, or crispy pata, deep fried pig knuckles.
A variant known as "mondongo a la culona" from the province of Colon also includes pig knuckles and feet and replaces chickpeas with white beans.
The highlight of this satisfyingly robust dish is the succulent, fall-from-the-bone pig knuckles.
Animal knuckles, such as pig knuckles are sometimes sold as food.
Among these types of foods are pig knuckles and intestines which are known as "chitlins".
'Goes down a treat with Winkles, a plate of pig knuckles.'
A pig-knuckle sandwich . . . Never tried a pig knuckle?