Thrilled and horrified, Magra watched, fascinated, until the pierced heart ceased forever, and the great beast died.
It had a large triangular plate very similar to the ones used on main gauche daggers and was decorated with pierced hearts and diamonds.
Her symbols are a pierced heart and knives or swords.
His pierced heart stuttered and limped and stopped.
For a moment, he continued to breathe in a wheeze of blood and pain, torturing his ruptured lungs, his pierced heart.
Sioned's eyes held Cadfael's, above her father's pierced heart.
Erzulie, the pierced heart is her sign, the power of love!
The latter is offering Jesus a pierced heart, a symbol of the future Passion.
Each participant may make a 19th-century valentine smothered in paper lace, pierced hearts, entwined hands, doves and flowers.
I will continue forward toward my goal, and my strength will grow even as the blood flows from her pierced heart.