The live attached to any available hard surface, including rocks, pier pilings, ship hull, oyster shells, and mangrove roots.
Bennie laughed sourly, but he was watching the spectral outlines of the brown pelicans on their perches atop the pier pilings.
The base of the point is described as "a rocky intertidal habitat, although species present there are more like those [found near] pier pilings" (Kisner, 1998).
They passed Willowood in the afternoon; it stood as before, ruined and empty, pier pilings thrusting up through the green waters of the Oriel and the wrecked boathouse visible beyond.
The maid's legs were like pier pilings.
Her husband, Jimmy, who died last year, had a commercial crabbing license, and she proudly displays a photo of his boat crammed with 2,000 blue crabs netted from pier pilings.
It is commonly found in intertidal waters on mussels, rocks and pier pilings.
They are common during summer in shallow water around pier pilings on sandy bottoms.
In the horrific seconds that followed, pier pilings sliced into the side of the ferry, killing 10 people and severely injuring dozens of others.
Cormorants spreading their wings on pier pilings and diving for fish.