When Sidantha unrolls a piece of kitchen foil to wrap the fish in, one man asks what it is.
If so, freeze the uncooked pieces wrapped in plastic, then in foil.
Blackburn suggests using individually packaged servings like a single, wrapped piece of chocolate to stay on track.
It is not as pretty, but I have kept pieces wrapped for a couple of years with little tarnish to clean.
I had never had a piece of music wrap its arms around me like this one did.
Women also wear chunnis, colorful pieces of cloth wrapped around the neck.
Rub with a piece of cloth wrapped around a finger, and try to confine the rubbing to the stained areas.
In one hand he carried a piece of string wrapped tightly around his index finger.
He wore a half-inch thick piece of gel wrapped to his waist to protect from further falls.
The older women wear a short piece of cloth wrapped around their waist only.