Though it is through-composed, the piece unfolds in clear episodes, and the materials are often arresting.
The piece looks like a series of film frames and unfolds like a television show with too many plot lines.
And then she was trapped, watching a piece of Jake's life unfold before her.
Indeed, the piece unfolds as a series of events, as a film score would.
"My life has turned into a true Cinderella story and to watch the pieces unfold is going to be great."
A piece of upholstery unfolded and a viewer-phone was staring him in the face.
His pieces unfold as 'films without image', with a sharp ear for detail.
Just two big pieces of bad news, unfolding at the same time.
One piece of family history does unfold movingly before the camera.
The piece unfolds in two parts, each made up of five solos or ensemble dances that could stand on their own as discrete works.