His earliest pieces originated in guitar improvisations, for example Panqueca (Pancake) of 1900.
Traditional two piece Belarusian dress originated from the time of Kievan Rus, and continues to be worn today at special functions.
Being able to tell where a given piece of ivory originated would help fight poaching, researchers say.
He adds: "Every single piece of beef sold by Waitrose, whether it is in a ready-meal or on the meat counter, has originated from us.
He had no idea where the piece had originated, who had drafted and refined it or puzzled over the precise language.
Recent excavations in the Balazote plain revealed a tomb and burial mound where this piece may have originated.
The piece originates with a ping-pong ball that initiates a series of choreographed games.
These pieces originated in a 1989 symposium on the new history, held in Santa Fe, N.M.
While it is uncertain how these pieces originated, they have come to be among the most expensive coins in the world, with one selling in 2010 for $3,737,500.
One expert on this subject believes this piece originated in Champagne, France.