But tests have since proved that a 0.023-pound piece could cause catastrophic damage under the worst circumstances.
David hits him with a piece of driftwood causing Ross to fall into the river.
Her piece caused a media storm and saw attendance rise to a record 140,000, with an average of 2,000 visitors a day.
Someone suggested that a piece of dust in the unit might be causing this.
"It's so full another piece would cause it to split."
This piece of news caused Nana to laugh a good deal.
This piece of information caused Makins to slow down for the first time and look at me more carefully.
Although plastic products may break into small pieces, the group said, those pieces still cause environmental problems.
However one piece of equipment was causing him a problem - a 'survival bag'.
I think you know the reason why that particular piece of information should cause Nigel to panic.