Krittivasi Ramayana is not only a translation, but contains picturesque descriptions of Bengali social life and its values.
Another group of the Silvae give picturesque descriptions of the villas, gardens, and artworks of the poet's friends.
A contemporary review in The Spectator praised the novel for its "picturesque descriptions and good incisive delineation of character".
There are stories of his walking out of rehearsals with the Vienna Philharmonic when some picturesque description he made to the players was sniggered at.
He also offered picturesque descriptions of his intentions.
"Well," he chuckled, "that's a picturesque description."
But that would be a much less picturesque description.
The book is full of picturesque descriptions of Rio de Janeiro's life in the early 19th century, including popular feasts and holidays.
The PathuPattu collection contains lengthy and picturesque descriptions of the Tamil country and its seasons.
When he dipped into the literature, he found mostly anecdotes, picturesque descriptions, romantic fiction, nothing in depth.